Childhood Obesity Our duty to develop children as whole individuals

In an effort to increase learning time, schools have been eliminating traditional opportunities for activity during the day such as physical education and recess. Children spend long periods of time in a learning environment that does not allow children to be active enough.
Playgrounds are left empty. Time previously dedicated to recess is now dedicated to increased formal education.

5-Step Comprehensive Plan

1. Quality Physical Education

A quality physical education can create a culture in our communities that help children have healthy lifestyles for the rest of their lives.

2. Physical Activity Before and After School

Sports are a great way to get children physically active outside of school. With so much time spent out of school, it is important to get children active in an environment where they can explore and discover ideas on their own.

3. Physical Activity During School

Recess is the best way for children to get active during the day. Extended hours of schooling with no recess can actually have the opposite effect on academic achievement than what is trying to be achieved.

4. Staff Involvement

In many cases, teachers and faculty are seen as mentors and people to look up to. An important aspect of getting children to be active is having adults that will get active with them.

5. Community and Family Involvement

Getting the community involved in creating this culture can make physical activity fun! This gets children together and makes them desire to be active.

Created By
Kristen Darragh


Created with images by longwoodblogs - "Fighting Childhood Obesity" • US Department of Education - "IMG81" • debbienews - "classroom kindergarten elementary" • janeb13 - "students primary school village" • US Department of Education - "10282013- AD at Brightwood Elementary SchoolWolf Trap Institute's Early STEM and Arts Classroom Visit" • PublicDomainPictures - "child book boy"

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