Appreciating the Natural Things by Ar-thi choonhapong

The scenery in this particular display at the Florida Museum of Natural History caught my attention because it is very emotional. This exhibit teaches the audience about a particular way of life for the Native Americans. The immense landscape littered with seashells creates a somewhat dark and lonely tone which would not be possible if shown in a regular textbook. It allows the audience to grasp the history of the Native Americans and understand how their lives were transformed significantly when the settlers moved in.
Touring the butterfly exhibit was one of the best parts of the museum visit. Not only did I meet dozens of colorful butterflies, but the experience of walking through a beautiful habitat made the atmosphere more pleasant. The serenity of the exhibit helped me admire the natural environment. I think that when people see these types of exhibits, they re-learn to connect with the peacefulness of nature. It makes us reevaluate the actions that we do to abuse or take for granted the natural habitats around us. The butterfly exhibit reminded me that we need to do more to preserve the communities where sensitive and vulnerable animals live.
The evolution of energy has made a considerable footprint in the natural world. Although it is human nature to operate in a manner where we prioritize ourselves, we must not forget that other creatures and future generations share this world as well. The Natural History Museum has introduced me to plenty components of nature, but it also reminds us that we have a duty to protect it. I enjoyed the renewable-energy exhibit because it encourages its audience to become aware and active regarding the issues that face the natural world.

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