Benjamin Brown The Life and Legacy

Who was Benjamin Brown

Benjamin Brown was a son, a brother, a husband and a father. Who happened to also be a civil rights activist

By the age of 16 Ben Brown was involved in civil rights activism. He participated in protest and marches against the attacks of Freedom Riders and the murder of Medgar Evers.

During Benjamin's active years in civil activism he was shot at, arrested and jailed. These actions caused him to be well known with local law enforcement

On May 11, 1967 Ben Brown walked on Lynch Street with a friend

View of Kon Tiki Restaurant and Lounge on Lynch Street, in the vicinity where Benjamin Brown was shot.

There was a protest in progress on Lynch Street that day, and Law Enforcement were blocking the paths of protestors marching towards downtown Jackson, causing a standoff.

This is the vicinity of the standoff between law enforcement and protestors on the day Ben Brown was shot

As Ben and his friend passed through the crowd of protestors, bottles and rocks were being hurled at law enforcement

Law enforcement officers responded by firing warning shots into the air and into the crowd of protestors.

These shots wounded Benjamin and two other individuals in the area.

Benjamin's wounds were to his back and head.

Notes on Ben Brown by Coroner Thomas M. Davis

There was an outcry for justice for Ben Brown, with over 1000 people attending his funeral, there was an outcry for justice for the death of Ben Brown, but the case remained a cold case until 2001.

Welcome to the discussion of the story about the life and death of Benjamin Brown.

Works Cited

A Shot In The Dark: The 1967 Murder of Benjamin Brown by Willie Mack

Free At Last: A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Thise Who Died in the Struggle by Sara Bullard


A Shot In The Dark: The Murder of Benjamin Brown by Willie Mack

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