Lauren Perlstein Creative Photography

Although this was one of the early photos I had taken, I love the way the white from the baseball pops off of the green grass for contrast.
Before Editing
After :)
Although this photo just has a small change in the color of the hat I really enjoy how much brighter it became after editing. This photo was taken on theme day during homecoming week.
Out of all the black and white photos I have, I like this one the most because it was the last photo I took of my hamster before he passed away in my hands. R.I.P. Chico
This has to be my favorite still photo because of the angle that was used to take the photo, as well as how the flashlight lights certain parts of the pumpkin.
Junior flute player focuses hard during practice before the middle schools come for parish visits.
I believe that this photo was my most creative photo based on the use of near far composition. This class has been very enjoyable and has taught me a lot of ways to improve my photo taking quality.
Not only is this photo my favorite black and white photo, it is my favorite overall photo because of the significance it has for me. Having this photo as the last photo I have of him gives me happiness because of how peaceful he looks with his tiny paws crossed.

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