Stage Shows: The Definition of Theater Local theater conveys feminism message

Behind this door is a night of entertainment during the opening night of The Waiting Room at Mesa Encore Theater.
Actresses for the Waiting Room Prepare For The Show.
The actors come together to take part in a series of warm-ups before the show.
As the actors prepare, the audience takes their seats before the beginning of the show.
The Waiting Room opens with Forgiveness From Heaven (Kymbrlee Hsu-Left) opening up to Victoria Smoot (Misa Passarella-Right).
While Dr. McCaskill (Devon Mahon) examines his patient, his patient Wanda (Shandi Ilyse) examines Dr. McCaskill.
Victoria Smoot emotionally shares with her snooty husband Oliver (Brady Anderson).
The audience watches as the characters take to a day at the links.
Dr McCaskill informs Wanda she has cancer.
Forgiveness From Heaven converses with Blessings From Heaven (Allison Bauer-Left) about Forgiveness's condition.
The audience watches, as the shows continues following an intermission.
Dr. McCaskill and Wanda debate over treatment for Wanda's cancer.
The audience watches as the female leads bond while recovering from their surgeries.
Wanda receives bad news from Dr. McCaskill.
Wanda shares a "familiar" story with Forgiveness.......
as she says Goodbye.
Director Ilana Lydia shares in the congratulatory approval by the audience as the show concludes.
The audience of The Waiting Room thanks the cast members after the performance concluding a defining theater experience.

Photos By: Michael Nowotny (2/3/17, Mesa Encore Theater)

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