Urban Farmers.co.uk Creating gourmet foods in the heart of the town

Based in the heart of Southend-on-sea, we offer innovative solutions to to global problems at a local level.

We convert used coffee grinds, collected from local coffee shops

And through our unique process, produce highly nutritious, gourmet Oyster mushrooms

which are sold locally, creating local food, reducing local waste and CO2 emissions and creating local jobs.

Oyster mushrooms are naturally fat free and can make an ideal meat alternative in your dishes.

So why not come down and visit our 'Urban Farm', right in the heart of Southend-on-sea and start your 2017 with healthy, locally grown food. (Delivery available for commercial orders.)

39a-45a Grainger Road Industrial Estate, Southend-on-sea, Essex SS2 5DD

Contact us: info@urbanfarmers.co.uk

Call: 01702 618 136


Created with images by nataliaaggiato - "coffee coffee beans toasted"

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