Chris's Mars Mission I'm a genius


  • We will launch at NASA and on New Years Eve, 2,035-2,036.
  • To discover if Mars can give humans a good living environment. To put man on Mars for the first time.
  • It will take 6 months. We will launch when Mars is the closest to Earth as it can be.
  • Yes, we sent food, water, shelter, and a large rover.

Crew Selection:

  • Denzel Curry, Will provide the flame to fuel the ship. He will be the second pilot. Trained with NASA for 3 years.
  • Kodak Black: Will be our cosmonaut, He has graduated from Harvard with a Masters Degree in Cosmic Exploration. He got knowledge.
  • Paul George: Will be our duty, helps make sure our crew stays safe/keeping the ship in good shape. He went back to school and eventually started working for NASA. Paul has been training for 2 years studying how to protect the space craft from space debris.
  • Neil Degrasse tyson: Will be our Scientist and will provide his knowledge of space to all other crew members. Neil has been working and studying Space Exploration for most of his life.
  • Chris Barela: I will be the commander because I run this mission. You already know I've been on that study grind. Chris has been studying for NASA after he graduated from FCHS. He knows how to lead a crew to victory.

Spacecraft Design:

  • Looks like a sleek design.
  • 4 rockets at the bottom.
  • 4 wide landing gears.
  • Roomy on the inside.

Crew Safety:

  • Have a workout facility to prevent muscle and bone decay.
  • Calcium packets to prevent decay of bone and muscle.
  • More advanced spacesuits to prevent radiation.
  • Have titanium on the outside and foam on the inside to stop space debris from getting in the space ship.
  • Food, Water, and Water filtration Clothes. Silverware, Beds,
Ft. Kodak

Living on Mars:

A sheltered base, with titanium on the outside trapping oxygen in the base. No windows, will trap warm air in to protect the crew members from the freezing temperatures. Denzel once again will provide the warmth with his hot bars. We will provide a workout area to keep our crew from losing muscle and bone decay.

Spacesuits, Food.

We have already sent supplies, extra suits, water, food, and water filtration.

Colonizing Mars:

We have taken stem cells with us to reproduce humans considering we haven't taken any female crew members with us.

Stem Cells.


Created with images by karlfrey - "fantasy landscape dry mars" • Unsplash - "astronaut american flag salute" • JeepersMedia - "Broccoli" • CodonAUG - "Neural stem cells"

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