Sanjay The one and only

I was born in Cuddalore, India. India is by far the the best country there is. Period.

I am a very diverse person. I like a lot of things. My favorite subject is Math because it's very fun. I know right, it's like the fact that I like math doesn't ADD up. Get it? Well, anyways. I also like Soccer. Soccer is extremely fun for me because trash at every other sport. But soccer is very different. I also love cars. They aren't only fast but they they are like people to me. It's like they have a soul of their own. I like them very much. I also listen to music because why not? It's nice.

My achievements list isn't as long as I want it to be. In fact I don't think I have that money to begin with. Well one time a made a extremely good or "lit" mixtape on GarageBand. I just recently broke 50 views. So congratulations me! Yay! Okay I'll be serious now. I ran a 5k for charity once. I have all A's right now. I ran the 200m in 28 secs, that isn't that good but the lane crossing cost me some time. I know how to use the bandsaw, miter saw, drill press and know how to be no-nonsense thanks to one of the best teachers located the Harvard of all middle schools. But my most important achievement is the fact that I can live my live without any worries.

I'm pretty good at a lot of things in my opinion. I am good at math and science. Pretty good/decent at soccer. And I am fast at running. I have a good sense of humor. I am also really good at FIFA too. But my very best skill are my studies.

In the future I don't really know what I want to be. I used to want to be an Aerospace Engineer, but the salary isn't that good. I have a good idea of what field I want to be in though. It's engineering. But in the future I really just want to be a good person and when people look at me the say, "yo, look it's papa Sanjay, he's so amazing" something along those lines.


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