
Art Tent project @Incheon

Starting to installing a tent at Minmeru Beach

Tranquil, restful, and spread wide-open

The mud flat quietly shining with the sound of the world

The majestic maroon scenery of the lively breath under the mud

The blue landscape of whispering waves and

The fine, white sand is piled up, gently rolling with the seawater and the wind,

And greets the small waves coming back from moment to moment.

After the typhoon passed on that day, unusually high clouds in the sky were drawing pictures at every turn. One day in the fall, the first impression of Minmeru Beach of Seokmo Island was serene, beautiful and piteous and far-off.

I want to gingerly pitch a few pointed tents in the idyllic landscape and draw the faint shades of trees.

Barely visible, the shadows of the birds pass too. Words on the tents swinging in the wind,

The mournful and ancient sound of accordion, the humble and low bass, and the tender ladies in the landscape,

Excited people mixing with each other

The ever-changing landscape of Minmeoru,

Movements in accord with the sunlight on the beach, the sunset, and the starlight

This is a few days’ dream with Minmeoru beach, greeting the coming winter

- from the Artist’s Notes of Yeleen Lee

Making a Puddle at the Beach
Visual Art




At night

Yeleen Lee, 'Dual Dubai', HD Video, 3min. 40sec. 2018
about 'Aria of Goldberg Variations', Yeleen Lee, 2018

Music by Seung Ho You, Miho Song, Poem by Jong-kwon Hwang, Dance by Jooyoung Park, Sena Lee

Visual Arts by


Yeleen Lee

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