Athletic Health Illness the essentials of Athletics using Lituracy

Sports are a big this in this era. Everyone either plays, watches, or has some type of participation in a sport. But most people are not really aware that as much as the sport is fun to watch, play, or participate in, it also has its disadvantages.

It's important to learn as a player.

Athletic Literacy

Athletes use literacy everyday on the field, by learning the position they are required to play, the other positions as well, understanding the rules, learning the hand signals or codes that are used, and having to remember the plays. But the most important thing is having to find the intelligence to recognize specific mental disorders, what their causes are. The knowledge of how to be able to contact a mental health service, having attitude to seek help, and gain a bigger amount of help support from the community.

My family and I have played sports all our lives. For example, soccer and track we have learned a lot on the field as well off, but especially in our community since the schools' we attend have athletics and clubs' as well like YMCA, Three Rivers, Cross Fire, Tri-Cities soccer club that have helped us develop theses types of literacies, and help us keep it throughout our time to pass on what we have learned to other people that are going into that destination.

My brothers success through soccer from going to a soccer school of Las Chivas de Guadalajara to graduating Pasco high school and going to Treasure Valley Community College with a full ride scholarship and playing the sport he loves.
Through my brothers athletic career he has learned to be a great leader. But the knowledge, literacy, and the community has helped him achieve his growth on and off the field. Academic wise by getting a scholarship to go play second division soccer for a college, athletic wise by going to a soccer school where he learned to become a better player by also learning new soccer abilities that he applies on the field and teaches his teammates what he has learned.

Mental Illnesses

  • Eating Disorders
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Suicide
  • Concussions
  • Panic Attacks

Athletic Injuries

When my brother was playing in that international soccer school he was sent to therapy, since he almost tore his ligament in his hamstring. He was off the field for over 6 months until full recovery. My brother became very depressed since he could not play but by supporting him and his community he pushed through and learned about his condition. This helped him prevent future damages to his physical being. Becoming aware when you are injured can lead to mental illnesses, since you don't want to quit playing the sport you keep it to yourself and avoid looking for help, but acknowledging your condition as well as educating yourself in the sport and the most common injures can help prevent future problems.



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