Vale Bill Grant OAM

The former Director of NSW Legal Aid Commission, Bill Grant OAM, died suddenly just six weeks after retiring.

Under Bill’s leadership, which combined 11 years, he initiated and implemented a wide range of legal aid services for the socially and economically disadvantaged, including extension of legal aid services to rural, regional and remote areas. Bill greatly expanded civil law services, assistance for victims of domestic violence, legal assistance for the elderly and he championed youth justice initiatives. Bill led a wide range of innovative, client focused programs while building better relationships and co-operative service delivery. He achieved positive change in the delivery of legal aid to the community.

At the time of his retirement Bill was the Director with responsibility for the Community Legal Education (CLE) Network of National Legal Aid. NTLAC CLE officer, John Jablonka said:

“The Community Legal Education Working Group expresses our sorrow at the sudden passing of Bill Grant. In addition to his leadership of NSW Legal Aid, in recent times he offered wise counsel to the national Community Legal Education network. Bill generously hosted national meetings and shared NSW Legal Aid’s learning about evaluation of community legal education. He challenged people to think strategically about our work while keeping a healthy perspective and sense of humour.”

As a colleague Bill was outspoken, fearless, client focused, passionate about justice and inspirational. We will miss him but value and are grateful for our friendship and the experience we gained through knowing and working with him. Our thoughts are with Bill’s family and all his friends.

NTLAC Director - Suzan Cox

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