Adopt and Love Carla rodriguez Cruz

Our Story

This company was made to create a better, healthy, living environment for animals. It gathers all the animals who need help. The shelter provides food, homes, love, and all the necessary items that they need. Also people can come visit and enjoy playing with the animals as long as they are not busy. As people feel the love and affection for the animals, they can decide to adopt if they want. Animals would feel enjoyment and the more animals get adopted, the less there will be homeless animals.

Mission Statement

The goal of this company is to find all the animals who need help. to create the love and support for any animal that needs it. Also for them to have a home that will give them love. lastly, to create a better world, to decrease the amount of animals who wonder around the street or either not recieve the needs that they need in order to survie.


This slogan went through many different changes. To the colors, animals, and the shape towards how the animals were going to located at. i first wanted to make a house with an cat and dog were under the roof. but then i thought to myself.. i want to show that it's just not dogs and cats so i decided to add a bunny. then i wanted to incorporate a heart in the image so i decided to put the animals in a heart. which then later on the dog, cat and the bunny made the heart. so that's what my slogan ended to be.

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