Gabriel Farias Digital Photography 1

Artist Statement

My name is Gabriel Farias when I came into photography I would have never thought I would see photography how I see it now. Photography made me see nature differently I enjoy taking photos of nature. I also really enjoy looking other peoples photo's and critiquing them. I feel that when I pick up the camera I can do almost anything.

My Work

I choose this photo because I really enjoy these colors, it makes me get flashbacks to fall. When I see this photo I feel happy inside. What inspired me to take this photo was I was walking around my school, I see some trees and I say to my self "Wow those are some great colors". ( ISO 1600 F/5.6 Focal Length 55mm)

I really like this photo I think it is one of my favorites. In this photo I made it simply by having two people sitting on a table. It was a levitation project, so what I did was erase the table and they were levitating. It turned out very realistic it actually looked like they were levitating. The thing that influenced me to make this photo was i saw something similar to it ( ISO 1600 F/4.0 Focal length 55mm)

This photo was a color and texture project, so what I did was put both in one as you can see the leaf has color and in the background there is a tree I couldn't get both of them to focus on both but it turned out pretty cool. The leaf has some great texture on it as well if you look close enough. ( ISO 200 F/5.6 focal length 55mm)

I've been wanting to put this photo in here I choose this photo because i just love the colors in here. If you look close enough you can see the water drip on the flower and that is one of the reasons why I like this image. Another thing i enjoy about this image is the back ground ( ISO 100 F/5.6 Focal length 55mm)

This photo is a awesome image for texture. I choose this one cause its simple but not only is it simple it has so much texture in it. You can look so close at it and you can see the shadows from the rocks that is how much texture it has. ( ISO 640 F/ 5.6 Focal length 48mm)

Go Check It Out!

How Have I Grown?

I have improved in many ways my skills have been improved by a lot of ways. One of the ways is I used to make my photos not straight. What I mean by that is in the photo above you can see it is uneven, but to this day my photos have improved. The second photo is work that I am producing still to this day.


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