Nutrition and Weight Status in OLder adults

By: Kelli Kachmar


Increase the proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight through exercise and nutrition.

Barriers Needed to Overcome

1) accessing the grocery store 2) learning what food to eat and what not to eat 3) learn how to cook and prepare meals 4) provide community access to resources 5) finding a group or friend to do activities with

How can we overcome these barriers?

1. Provide community resources, such as Meals on Wheels, to help with nutrition or resources for light group workouts for older adults.

2. Provide information on healthy eating and teach older adult how to cook and meal prep.


1) Find a friend to take a walk with you. 2) Find a healthy meal you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 3) Use the "rainbow" method and make sure your plate has different colors of the rainbow. 4) Ask a family member to come over a cook with you. This will help older adults feel motivated to take walks and socialize and eat healthy for all meals.

Action Steps

1) Get involved by doing aerobic activity, yoga, and taking walks. 2) Talk to your doctor about accessing community resources. 3) Drink a lot of water. 4) Stay in touch with friends and family to keep spirits up.

Community Resources

1) Meals on Wheels 2) Senior Transportation Company 3) SilverSneakers 4) In-Home Care For Seniors

(All provided community resources are based in Cleveland, but there are options all over the country for older adults.)

Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget

1) Buy store brands of whole- grain bread 2) Buy in bulk and share with friends, neighbors and family. 3) Buy canned or frozen vegetables 4) Apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Fun Facts

1) Ideal BMI for older woman is 18.5-25. 2) Older adults should eat less white bread and rice. 3) Vitamin D and B12 can help your brain, blood, bone and nervous system. 4) After the age of 51, an older adult should reduce their salt intake to 1,500 mg a day. 5) High-fiber foods should be eaten by older adults.
By: Kelli Kachmar


Created with images by blizniak - "berries blackberries blueberries" • Army Medicine - "Food" • evitaochel - "fruit food healthy" • dbreen - "carrot kale walnuts" • Wokandapix - "run running sport" • geishaboy500 - "Oranges" • elizadean - "blue blueberry delicious" • congerdesign - "eat carrots peas" • pineapplesupplyco - "pineapple field hospitality"

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