Sapphique Catherine fisher

Sapphique is both a series and a single book. It is the sequel to "Incarceron", and is focused on multiple main characters.
For the most part, Sapphique takes place in the sentient prison of Incarceron, where the people inside find a key they hope to use to escape the prison, while the people on the outside wish to help them to deal with ending the horrible oppression known as "Protocal" that keeps the rich rich and the poor poor.
This novel will be compared to the well-known novel "Enders Game." It mainly focuses on one character named Ender. Enders game is a series with multiple seasons, and a rather old book, written by Orson Scott Card.
Enders Game mainly took place in outer space, where the characters struggled by major challenges of drills preparing him to lead the military as a strategist on besting the buggers, a "hostile" alien race.
Both of these novels are amazingly high quality! The authors clearly placed an immensely large amount of effort and energy into the writing and wording of these novels. They are some of my favorite books to read, and I own copies of them. I strongly advise these novels not only to science fiction lovers, but anyone who is looking for a well written, thought provoking novel.
Not only do I advise this novel to everyone, but I advise it to science fiction lovers specifically. If someone is looking for a well written science fiction novel, or a less erratic version of Star Wars, either of these novels would be a remarkable option for anyone.

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