Boom To Bust; 1920's to 1930's By Sai Kolasani

Leisure Time


In the 1920's, women became Flappers, they enjoyed everything to the fullest. They disobeyed laws and wore fashionable clothing.
In the 1930's, women sewed in their free time. They made clothes and other esstentials for their families because they couldn't afford them.

African American

The 1920's was a great time for African Americans. The Harlem Renaissance was a great cause of this.
African Americans had no time to enjoy, they had to find jobs.

Home Life

Womens roles changed in the 1920s. They finally got jobs outside of their houses.
Women had lost their husbands as many left them. They had to find their own work and take care of their families.


Business Owners

Business owners were prospering because their companies were booming. People were ablt to buy everything and the demand went up. Later, The companies sold stocks.
Then, everyone started selling their stocks rapidly and no one else would buy them. this caused the Great Depression and eventually companies to shut down.

African Americans

In the 1920's, many African Americans were getting jobs. The employment rate went up.
The worst hit groups was the African Americans. They were the first to get laid off. Their unemployment rate was 2 or 3 greater than white unemployment rate.

Role of Government

In the 1920's many African Americans were elected in to the congress.
The Black Cabinet was first known as the Federal Council of Negro Affairs. The people in this group helped FDR with all balck issues.


The 1920's was a great time for many people. New opportunities were available for everyone. New traditions were created. Many groups of people were benefited. The most benefited group was the African Americans. But, in the 1930's everything went down. Everybody lost their money. The presidents weren't good until FDR came along. Millions of people wanted to buy stocks but, when the Great Depression came along everyone wanted to sell their stocks and the stock market crashed. Some major differences from the 1920's to the 1930's are in home life, leisure time, economy, and role of government. Women and business owners took the biggest hits. In the 1920's, significant changes for women took place in politics, the home, the workplace, and in education. Some were the results of laws passed, many resulted from newly developed technologies, and all had to do with changing attitudes toward the place of women in society. In the 1930's women were tasked with feeding and caring for the family on increasingly tiny budgets. In the 1920's , New business and production methods allowed manufacturers to make large profits which they put back into new factories and wage rises. But in the 1930's, unregulated stock practices and fraud drove stock prices far higher than the real worth of American corporations. Production increases in industry were not matched by higher wages. During World War I, farmers worked hard to produce record crops and livestock. When prices fell they tried to produce even more to pay their debts, taxes and living expenses. In the early 1930s prices dropped so low that many farmers went bankrupt and lost their farms. Farmers struggled with low prices all through the 1920s, but after 1929 things began to be hard for city workers as well. After the stock market crash, many businesses started to close or to lay off workers. Many families did not have money to buy things, and consumer demand for manufactured goods fell off. This is how everything went downhill.

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