an environmental adventure a not so typical day in the life at camp...

we don't quite rise with the sun but our days do start early!

while some are harvesting fresh ingredients from the food garden...

a cooking crew get to work in the field kitchen preparing pancakes, fruit salad and other delicious breakfast options

...others are enjoying a piping hot open air shower courtesy of the solar thermal panels and the summer sun!

we focus on serving up healthy, homegrown food - we even grow our own watermelons!

after fuelling up on breakfast your activities begin

you might find yourself in the canopy of the ancient beech tree on a technical tree climbing mission

or forging a toasting fork for marshmallows with a local Blacksmith

then it's a chance to rest and enjoy a hearty lunch

before walking down to the river to go for a paddle

or taking part in a discovery workshop to explore how camp exists off-grid using renewable energy technologies

we like to do dinners a bit differently, cooking on the campfire or firing up the cob oven for fresh wood fired pizzas

pizzas get a thumbs up!

after dinner its time to meet some special guests before heading out on a dusk bat walk with bat detectors to see and hear them feeding in the wild

just time for a campfire and then off to bed for some much needed Zzzzzzzzzzz's!

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