The pregnancy project Anaya Arnold and aaryn waters

summary of book: a girl named Gaby Rodriguez convinces her siblings,teachers that she actually pregnant and she uses that as a senior project.

characters: Gaby;the main character of pregnancy project she is a static character because in the book she doesn't change even with the media and attention from people at school she doesn't change. Jore; Gaby's boyfriend the one Gaby's brother believed got her “pregnant” Jore is a static character even after Gaby has him take school more seriously. mr.myer; gabys science teacher they were close he is a dynamic character because in the book he didn’t change but the way he acted did.He went from understanding to disappointed and changed back and forth. Gabys mom; Gaby looks up to her, she was a teen mom and she knows about the project. Gaby only told one other person. Her mom is a static character, because she is a role model and leader throughout the whole story.

setting:school and her house

conflict:self vs self

purpose and theme:the theme of the book is teen pregnancy and what goes along with it

review of book:we give the book a 5/5. It was really interesting and different from other books that we have read before.

character list: Gaby: brown eyes,long dark brown hair,toned skin. Jorge:dark brown hair,hair up.
passage about the setting:the setting is mostly school and home. the setting is important because that's mostly where Gaby was.the setting does not affect the characters. my claim is that the settings is sort of important
authors purpose: entertain


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