What I did Today to...! "Embrace Luxury!"

Today I.....

Was Inspired!

created something of beauty

Met today with a purpose

was true to my nature

"Today I follow my passion wherever my inspiration leads." SMKelley
Rosebud Botanical, Rosebud Powder Soap

Inspired by......

paging through recent ad magazine I happened to come across interesting combinations of color that would look fantastic in an artisan crafted soap. in the end, the final product was very different than my original inspiration but no less beautiful.

Love your skin

Created something of beauty......

I was hoping to get a slightly pink color to the soap however, more of a deep brown was reality.

Curing Crafted Soap ~ first cut!

Today, I "Embraced Luxury!" by creating one of my favorite botanical crafted soap bars. "Purely Natural, Scentsual Beauty Bar!" Our crafted soap uses botanical rosebuds locally grown in region to create a touch of elegance. Rosebud powder is added to create the slightly pink-brown color, traditional of French milled soap. This finely ground powder rejuvenates your skin by reducing oiliness minimizing breakouts, leaving you with a more radiant complexion.

Health & Happiness Campaign 2017

Our crafted soap is purely natural, cruelty-free #leapingbunny certified skincare that provides results you can see and feel. Our belief is skincare should smell fresh and feel silky smooth with this natural botanical rosebud sandalwood amber blend is pure enjoyment to add to your daily skincare routine.

Rosebud Sandalwood

Met the day with purpose

As the day unfolded, crafting soap was on my mind. I wasn't quite sure what fragrance of soap base oils to use, but since only eco-friendly, sustainable, purely natural vegan products are used, this was easier. The challenge was the new fragrance and essential oil blends, I recently received. Now it's time to try them in a soap (i.e. blend of rose, sandalwood, amber). Our "Rose Bud Bouquet" is setting up nicely. Updates later on the "Final Cut." Having said that, instead of the annatto seed coloring, I elevated the soap using a rosebud powder. During the immediate post processing period, the hue is slightly pinkish-brown which I do believe will lighten over drying phase.

Was true to my Nature!

Our soaps need to be functional and serve a purpose. Not only aesthetic, but useable. And useable goes beyond just being merely soap. Our nature is only fresh, pure, natural, vegan ingredients that are used for a variety of skincare products. We just skip the harsh ingredients. Our crafted soap is for #skinconditioning, #skinexfo, #skindetox, #skinhydration, #cleansing, #rejuvenating, #natural,

Happiness is

Created By
SM Kelley


Created with images by Akuppa - "Rose Buds" • williamlind - "flowers roses ros" Created with image by SMKelley "rosebud"

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