Puerto Rico Luke whitaker

Politics: Puerto Rico is a self- governing commonwealth in association to the United States of America. The Chief of State in Puerto Rico, is the President of the United States. The head of their government is elected in an election. There are two Legislative chambers: The House of Representatives (51), and the Senate (27).

Economics: Puerto Rico was one of the most dynamic and competitive economies is the Latin American region. Their economy now relies mainly on federal aid from the United States. Puerto Rico's main conflict is the lack of jobs for an expanding population and the rate of economic improvement.

Religion: The majority of the Puerto Rican population are Roman Catholic, but religious freedom for all faiths is guaranteed by the Commonwealth Constitution.

Social Structure: In Puerto Rico, kids at a young age start helping their families with the financial perspective of things. As they begin to mature, they are expected to stay with their families at home until marriage. It is very common to find three generations under the same roof.

Industry: The main drive for Puerto Rico's economy is manufacturing. Although, the United States still funds the country. The economy is followed up by real-estate, finance, insurance, and tourism.

Arts and Entertainment: Baseball is a big entertainment in Puerto Rico. Children start at the age of three, playing not only for fun, but to hopefully get the opportunity to move their families to a better environment.


Created with images by dameetch - "San Juan, Puerto Rico" • breezy421 - "Puerto Rico" • MariamS - "cobblestone architecture street" • MariamS - "vacation puerto rico tropical" • InspiredVision - "DSC_0477" • Solana - "University of Puerto Rico Protest in San Juan" • PublicDomainPictures - "business cash coin" • breezy421 - "Convent Church" • SFLAD - "church san juan puerto rico" • agencja.zajac - "Catholic church payer" • Paco - "stained glass window church parish" • sectionz - "CIMG1097.JPG" • TimothyJ - "Flat" • pasa47 - "Puerto Rico Tourism Country" • Jorge Lascar - "The Peter the Great Statue (98m high)" • Joe Shlabotnik - "Puerto Rico" • enrique buscapé - "Peewee Phillies Team members"

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