Seabiscuit Laura Hillenbrand

This book was published in 2001

The author Laura Hillenbrand is an author as well as an author of magazine articles. She wrote two best-selling novels Seabiscuit and Unbroken. She is from Fairfax Virginia.

The setting of Seabiscuit is all throughout the United States. Mainly at horse tracks.

Seabiscuit is the main character. He's an extremely cranky but massively competitive horse. His talents were unnoticed by his former owners. He is a talented horse with a big heart.

One of the other main characters is Charles Howard. He is Seabiscuit's last owner. He is the one that truly brings out the talent and competitive edge in Seabiscuit. His second wife pushes him into horse racing. When they go to look at horses to buy he finds this one sorry looking horse. He sees the potential in Seabiscuit and makes him a champion.

Red Pollard is Seabiscuit's main jockey. He is known for handling difficult horses. Therefore he is a natural fit for Seabiscuit. He grew up extremely poor and horse racing became a thing of survival to him.


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