Sharks Jack ferrell

  • Sharks are one of the most oldest species living on Earth.
  • There are more than 465 known species of sharks.
  • The shark´s scientific name is ¨selachimorpha¨
  • Sharks can swim up to twenty-thirty miles per hour.
  • Shark´s have lived since 300 million years ago according to fossils.
  • Sharks usually live in tropical and temperate oceanic water.
  • Sharks have evolved over time.
  • Sharks are very complex and unique.
  • Even though sharks seem vicious, most species are not known to attack humans.
  • If a shark does not move, it will die.
  • Baby sharks are called pups.
  • The skin of a female shark is much thicker than the skin on a male shark.
  • When shark pups are born they defend for themselves.
  • Most sharks are carnivores, which means that they mostly only eat meat.
  • Usually surfers are attacked by sharks more than people that are swimming or diving.
  • Sharks usually eat plankton, sea lions and other sharks, but their diet is very varied.
  • There are about 100 shark attacks per year.
  • You are 1000 times more likely to drown than to be attacked by a shark.
  • More people are killed by falling coconuts in Asia than being killed by a shark.
  • Great white sharks eat more than eleven tons of food per year.
  • Most sharks hunt at night.
  • Usually sharks hunt alone.
  • The cookie-cutter shark takes ice-cream-scoop-shaped bites out of other sharks.
  • Sharks rarely attack humans since they do not like the taste of them.
  • If a shark does bite a human, it is usually out of curiosity.
  • Shark´s teeth are triangular and are embedded into their gum since they have no jaw.
  • Shark´s teeth are constantly falling out so there are millions of shark teeth on the ocean floor.
  • Shark´s teeth can be replaced in just eight days.
  • Sharks can have up to 3000 teeth at a time.
  • Shark´s teeth are made out of fluoride, making them cavity resistant.
  • Shark teeth are a popular and inexpensive beach souvenir.
  • Their jaws are not attached to their skull.
  • Sharks can move their upper and lower jaws.
  • The shark´s population is decreasing due to many threats in the wild.
  • Around 100 shark species have serious problems with their population and survival.
  • Change in the weather causes risks to shark´s survival.
  • Humans kill more than 100 million sharks each year.
  • The colors of sharks consists of reddish brown, bronze, metallic blue, gray, or light black.
  • The Whale shark is the biggest in size of all sharks.
  • The Megamouth shark is one of the rarest species of sharks.
  • Nurse sharks are the laziest shark species.
  • The greenland shark is the slowest moving shark ever recorded.
  • Lantern sharks can glow to disguise themselves in deep ocean.
  • According to studies, a shark, called megalodon, is the largest predator to ever exist.
  • Sharks are very sensitive to light and can detect certain objects.
  • Sharks have five to seven gill slots.
  • The majority of sharks have eight rigid fins.
  • Shark´s livers contain a lot of oil in them.
  • Shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone.
  • Shark´s wounds heal quickly.
  • Sharks have a very accurate sense of smell.
  • Sharks usually produce at the age of twelve to fifteen.
  • Some female sharks can reproduce without a male shark, causing a clone.
  • A shark averages to live about twenty to thirty years old.
  • Scientists tell the age of a shark by counting the rings on it vertebrae.

Works Cited!

"Shark." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017. Web.

Shark Facts and Information. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"Basic Facts About Sharks." Defenders of Wildlife. 19 Sept. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.


"Here You Can Learn The Coolest Facts About Sharks - Shark Sider." Welcome To! Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Main, Douglas. "8 Weird Facts About Sharks." LiveScience. Purch, 06 Aug. 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"Shark Facts • Interesting Information & Facts About Sharks." Shark Facts. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"Shark Fun Facts!" Kidzworld. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.


Created with images by voyagedeslivres - "Shark"

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