Journeying with Team Appreciation Cycle 3: The Hoodie Lab

Meeting 3: Road bump - all leads have run dry. It seems that the ministry, foster parents and foster children stories have all but been wishful thinking. As the saying goes, when a door closes, a window of opportunity opens... We try for another subject! :) What amazes and inspires me is the team's persistence and positive attitude in the face of 'no's.
Meeting 2: Our first catch-up with Zul was fruitful and helpful as well! Not only did we hash out the idea of appreciating foster families, we nurture a second possible story as well. The moral of the story: when life hands you lemons, you make jugs of lemonade!
Weekend 1: So much feels for the team's idea - of honouring foster parents- who are generous with room in their homes and hearts for children in need!
Meeting 1: Our initial meeting was just great. We hit it off with a great brainstorm and landed on a strong idea - appreciating foster families stood out the most for everyone. I have a good feeling that everyone's heart was in the right place.


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