Behind the bar With brittany

Brittany here. We have a lot of fun at the lounge and I was thinking about why that is. I know, weird. I decided it's because this place is really a community. Yeah, it's a business, but I'm not, "Joe's Giant Sports Pub-o-Rama." And, that's not why you are here.

Home in the 'hood!

Five years ago, I really had no idea how this would evolve, but it sure has. Anyone that opens a lounge knows the first people that come are their friends, and I am truly blessed by the best.

Now, there's so many more, and new friends that come by and drink, and dance, and draw and paint, and play music and more.

I've come to the conclusion it's like Sunday dinner at your folks place, there's always room for one more to sit at the table. So, if you've got some friends that like to hang out, hang out here. If you and your friends like to dance or play music, do it here. I mean, I won't lie, I hope you buy a couple drinks and order a pizza. But, mostly, I hope you want to do something creative that makes you and other people happy, and a whole community can enjoy.

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