Heart of serenity

My heart draws me to this sacred space

springing up in the middle of Houston

bricks curved into an 11 circuit labyrinth echo

long ago whispered "amens" and

"hallelujah" shouts

Rising above this sacred geometry

splashes of a colorful mural

a yellow house averts its gaze

while solemn town homes stand guard

the cityscape soars above into restless gray clouds

A weathered welcome mat beckons on

old Mt. Carmel's forgotten steps

I begin my journey along this ordered track

not seeing the path ahead, but trusting it to carry me deeper

curving back and forth

round and round

this spiral of transformation

Mosaic chairs at each quarter turn

offer a contemplative breath

I run my hands along the

smooth rough smooth rough smooth

montage of colorful

ceramic and glass tiles

My journey not yet completed

I continue amid the symmetry

in and out

front to back

yin and yang

In frozen time and tranquility

I find a prayer waiting for me at the center

and carry this spark of the Divine

back out into the city

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