Intro to digital photography p1-28 be your own kind of beautiful

First Semester Final Project

I love to take pictures of nature; sunsets, flowers and more. I take most pictures during the afternoon and i edit the pictures by either cropping them or adding contrast to make them look brighter and I share the pictures with friends and on social media. Digital photography is important to me because it expresses my creativity.

This picture was taken in the afternoon down a dirt road near my house, and i only edited it by adding contrast and some highlights.
I took a picture of these colorful leaves in South Carolina and i edited it using contrast, shadows and clarity.
This picture of the clouds was also taken in South Carolina, i didn't edit this picture as much because i like how it looks. .
I liked this picture of the train because it has the American flag on it and all i did was brighten the picture.

This project is a great way to express your creativity and its very fun to do.

Created By
Deidra Torres

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