
Editing an Image On THe Streets

How do I edit my image?

That is a question which I've been asked numerous times, especially when it comes to my monochrome images. The question can be; "why I chose to use mono?", or "what software do I use?", or "how do I do it?"

So with this question in mind I decided to show you the processing of an image an image taken on a recent On The Streets photo walk. It is my first attempt at doing this and, well I've decided I don't really like my voice, but putting that aside, I hope you find the following video useful.

And a few more images from the photo walk

On the Streets - Liverpool Photo Walk

Want to know more?


Andy Phillips - "Interesting Alf. I don't use Literoom so you have educated me ta!"
Created By
Alf Myers


Editing a mono images in Adobe Lightroom

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