
Did you know that you can crop any image into a specific shape using Google Slides & Drawings? For example, crop an image into the shape of a heart, circle, star, or cloud with a just a few clicks of the mouse!

Here's how to make it happen:

Open your Drive in the Chrome Browser.

To access your Drive, go to www.google.com and click the 3x3 grid in the top right hand corner of the screen. Then, select Drive.

Open Slides or Drawings.

You can do a simple crop of an image in any of the Google documents, but cropping into a specific shape currently works in Slides and Drawing.

Insert an Image

To insert an image, go to Insert > Image.

Upload an image from your desktop, directly from the web, or from a variety of other sources.

Crop the Image

Once the image has been inserted, click on it to select it. You'll know the image is selected when it has a light blue line around it.

To crop the image, click on the Crop button.

Note: The image must be selected/highlighted for the Crop button to appear.

Not only can you crop the image manually, as shown above, you can also crop it into a customized SHAPE!

Instead of clicking the crop button, click the arrow NEXT TO the crop button. A menu of shapes will pop up. Select the shape that you would like for the image to be cropped into.

The image will automatically be cropped into that shape!

If you would like to re-position the image inside of the shape, simply double-click the image. Then, click and drag the image until it is in the desired position.


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Created with images by mjmonty - "Google Neon" • Kari Shea - "Neat desktop with a laptop" • Clint Brunow - "computer" • Andrew Ridley - "untitled image"

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