Losing Our Stripes: let's end the path to extinction

Do we want to lose these beautiful creatures forever?

That's what will happen if this doesn't stop.....

what can we as individuals do?

The answer is simple...

  • Educate and voice your opinion on these issues to anyone who will listen to you!
  • Join in and advocate for policy change whether it be at the school, state, national, or worldwide level
  • Write letters or draw pictures to send to politicians to help them see why it is urgent that tigers be helped

Whether it be big or small, there are many steps we as a society can take to help protect these beloved animals

  • Recycle: No action is too small to help make a change
  • Purchase sustainable or palm oil free products at the grocery store
  • Don't purchase anything derived from tigers, such as wine, rugs, or jewelry
  • Refrain from supporting organizations that believe in tiger farming
"When they are gone, when every last life has been stolen, how will you remember them?"

Extinction is Forever.

Photo Credits: https://thumbs-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/fb/09/fb095f50-e4ad-4b60-9417-b34206d2e8f1/feb15_d02_tigers.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg, http://data1.ibtimes.co.in/en/full/606197/poachers-tiger.jpg, http://tigertime.info/uploads/images/2007_12_04_China_Badaling_Wild_Animal_Park_012%20(1)%20-%20Copy.jpg, Remaining pictures are courtesy of Creative Commons.


Created with images by ahisgett - "Tiger" • Marcus Meissner - "Tiger" • cheetah100 - "Tiger"

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