Why The Sea Is Salty By Amy


(verb)To give help or support

Tony needed assistance, so his friend helped him get out. (synonym)


(adjective)looking like, forming, or moving like a circle; round

When we went to the fair to get some tickets, I looked up to see the ceiling and the ceiling was circular and round.(synonym)


(adjective)Skilled at tricking others

The man was very crafty, he told me if I give him 20 dollars first he would give me ice cream and he never did he was so intelligent.(synonym)


(noun)A feeling of unhappiness caused by wanting what someone else has

The envy woman wanted the last pieces of gold that the king had she had, she was hatred.(synonym)


(noun)A willingness to give things

The librarian was full of generosity, even though I cried very loud she gave me candy and told me to shush generously.(synonym)

Created By
Amy Campuzano


Created with images by rrrtem - "Sea" • GioBertPhoto - "Circles"

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