Megan Rosinko JMS 235 Portfolio

JMS 235 photo assignments

Alley off of Mulberry Street Lane is lit with string lights.
Kristen Duncan, sophomore, plays the guitar in her free time as a way to find peace in the chaos of college classes.
Macon Mayhem players congregate after scoring.
Mercer Volleyball players prepare at the net as ETSU serves the ball.
Mercer's Greek Row is empty as the sun goes down.
Bridges frame the Florida highway.
Christmas coffee mug sits on student's bed as they prepare for the holiday season.

Miracle on Greek Row

Greek Row covered their houses in lights and holiday decorations to compete in MU Miracle's "Miracle on Greek Row"
MU Miracle raises money for the Children's Miracle Network, which is also the philanthropy that Phi Mu donates to during the year.
After Mercer's traditional Tree Lighting Thursday night, CMNH children were invited to walk down Greek Row to see the holiday lights.
Only a few families attended "Miracle on Greek Row", but nonetheless Greek Row greeted them with cookies, candy canes, and even Santa Claus.
The Alpha Delta Pi house, among others, put out inflatable holiday decorations on their front lawns.
Members of MU Miracle surrounded one CMNH child as he talked about his Pokemon.
Another young boy enjoyed Phi Mu's gingerbread house that was just his size.
He also got to take his picture with Santa in front of the Pi Kappa Phi house.
Afterwards, the families continued to Cruz Plaza for the Winter Wonderland that Mercer students enjoy each year.
Phi Mu won first place, and the $1000 prize went to the Children's Miracle Network.

Redaction: Phi Mu received $192 for being the first prize winner. This is a percentage of the total amount raised by MU Miracle for this event.

Created By
Megan Rosinko

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