Hardworking By: Mitchell torgerson

According to Merriam Webster...

(Adj) Hardworking is using a lot of time and energy to do work. It was first known in 1772 from the Middle English.

Hardworking people put their time, energy, and sweat into the work they do.

He goes from one place organizing different things to another job doing more challenging to make things the best they can.

He walks back and forth from one job to another with sweat on his face. The others sit back and think someone else to do them, even though he thinks any job for him can be easy for him by having fun.

He shows how well he works that he gets compliments and awards from people that notice his dedication in the game of basketball.

Hard work pays off in the long-run when you make enough money to get new things.

He volunteers his time working multiple hours of community service planning out projects for future events going on during school and gets rewarded when his hard work was appreciated by others.

He shows other people what hard work looks like in the end on and off the field. Overtime, someone somewhere will see what you are best at.

My impact on hard work made more people in student council follow right behind me and stepped up in a position I really enjoyed for four years in my life. It shows other people how big of impact you have on things you have done over the course of Student Council. In the end, it pays off with friends you will have forever.

Source: "Hardworking." Merriam Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hardworking.

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