Utah Symbols M.W Michael wheatley

The rocky mountain elk is only found in the rocky mountains because every were else they are dead.
the Bee hive became the state emblem in 1959
the sego lilly became the state flower in 1911
the cherry became state fruit in 1997
the Bonneville trout became the state fish in 1997
the Emblem became the state emblem in 1959
Utah this is the place became the state song in 1996
zapaz became the state gem in 1969
the onion became the state vegetable in 2002
Quacking aspen became the state tree 1993
the state flag in seal became the state flag in 1775
the Allosaurus became are state fossil in 1988
California segal became are state bird in 1955
copper became are state mineral in 1994


Created with images by christopher.d.heald - "RMNP-51" • lucac4 - "alacrità" • skeeze - "sego lily flower bloom" • JWolff-STL - "Cherrys for sale" • YellowstoneNPS - "Spawning cutthroat trout" • yellow book - "Beehive" • ISchneider - "nature arches national park national park" • johnno49 - "gem blue topaz gemstone" • Couleur - "onions vegetables food" • cocoparisienne - "oak leaves autumn fall foliage" • aqua.mech - "Flag Of Utah" • James St. John - "Allosaurus atrox theropod dinosaur (Morrison Formation, Upper Jurassic; Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, northern Emery County, east-central Utah, USA) 1" • judithscharnowski - "seagull monterey ocean" • UCL Mathematical and Physical Sciences - "Native copper"

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