My creed By ally

A creed is a pray that u believe in.
The line that means the most to me:on the third day he rose again. The meaning of the line:on the third day Jesus woke up and apologied to everyone he did wrong. What it means to me: Jesus came alive after he died.
My creed: i believe in karma comes back around to you. I believe in my friends cause they believe in me. I believe in forgiveness cause everyone deserves the right to apologise to anyone they did wrong and to get there forgiveness.
To me go to a catholic school means that I can be closer to God/Jesus. I can talk to Jesus and God in the church. People that are catholic can teach me to be more catholic.
Life message: life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance,you must keep moving.


Created with images by Claudio  - "Jesus Cross" • Pads since 200X something - "bible" • biblevector - "jesus_11" • Diego3336 - "[PANORAMA] Just a Rainbow" • JaredFrazer - "Catholic University" • Nick Kenrick. - "All roads lead to Rome"

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