This HELP page is updated to provide the clearest and simplest information possible for learners beginning to learn the basics of APA style. The detailed images on this page are best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer screen.
Relax! You Have Years to Learn APA Style!
New learners are frequently terrified about learning the proper use of APA style. In Capella's Undergraduate Psychology program, we introduce you to elements of APA style over the course of your undergraduate studies. We're here to help you swim, not to drown you by expecting you to know this style in your first year.
Learn the Basics of APA Style
Here's a very quick overview of the evidence, critical thinking, and how citations and references may be applied in your writing to demonstrate the evidence behind your credible information.
Sample Sheet
Your Courseroom Displays Many Examples of Citations and References in APA Style. You may copy and paste them into your writing when you use these sources.
A great place to check for APA style citations and references is in your courseroom. Your textbooks, journal articles from the university library, and examples of references to Internet and external resources are provided in correct APA style. When you use these resources, you can copy and paste the references into your discussion posts and written assignments as needed.
Avoid using citations and references provided by VitalSource Bookshelf. They typically are not in APA style and post a cautionary statement to that effect.
Psychology Today: Good to Read, Bad to Cite
A 3-minute read on why citing a popular magazine like Psychology Today is not a good idea when you are trying to establish yourself as a psychology professional. Click this link. Over 9000 views so far!
New 7th Edition APA Manual
If you plan to make psychology your career, consider purchasing the new APA Publication Manual released in October, 2019. The manual contains the latest information on the use of APA style and formatting, essential information for psychology professionals.