Course Overview
- There is one prerequisite for this course: GIT417 (although students are required to complete GIT215 and GIT337 before taking GIT417). If you are a graduate student, the requirement is GIT598: Introduction to Web Coding.
- Students should have knowledge of and skill with Adobe Creative Cloud software (especially an understanding of: how to edit photos for the web, how to create wireframes with Xd/Illustrator/Photoshop/Figma/Sketch, etc. as well as Behance for project sharing/portfolio building)
- Students should have an understanding of and ability to write semantic HTML5 and CSS3 (taught in GIT215 and GIT337)
- Using libraries to build the final project for the course is not allowed
Course Materials
- Required Textbook: a custom zyBook created specifically for the course (more information can be found in the Canvas shell and in the ASU class catalog)
- Course Announcements and Communication: Slack
- Course Materials: Canvas (find the link in your myASU)
- A Code Editor: Visual Studio Code
- A GitHub Account (signing up with your student email and verifying it allows you to access free software and tools!)
- Software (installed on personal computer): GitHub Desktop
- Adobe Creative Cloud (free for ASU students)
- Postman is used when we work with APIs (free/student account)
- API Keys/Accounts (specific keys are listed in the course modules in Canvas)
The course assignments are completed within the course zyBook and include zyBook challenge activities and zyBook labs.
Coding activities are used during class meetings to practice the topics covered each day.
Students are required to complete the zyBook participation activities before the course meeting where they are discussed and practiced.
The course also includes a final project that allows the student to use their understanding of JavaScript to build a single page website.
Course Topics
- Classes
- Classes (ES6)
- Inner Functions, Outer Functions, and Function Scope
- Closures
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- XMLHttpRequest (Ajax)
- Using Third-Party Web APIs
- Web Storage
- Canvas Drawing
- Canvas Transformations and Animation
- WebSockets
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Fetch API
- Promises
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Ajax
- jQuery and Third-Party Web APIs
- jQuery Plugins
Resources for Students
GIT Coding Resources:
JavaScript Resources:
- JavaScript Cheatsheet
- W3C JavaScript Best Practices
- The Odin Project
- codepip - Learn to code by playing games
- JavaScript for Cats
- Free JavaScript Books
- w3resource JavaScript Exercises
- W3Schools JavaScript Resources
- Linter
- CodeNewbie Community
- jQuery Learning Center
- W3Schools jQuery Tutorial
- TutorialsPoint jQuery Tutorial
- APIs Guru
- JavaScript Timer Functions
- APIs for Beginners
- JSONLint
- JSON Editor Online
- Programmable Web API Directory
- JavaScript JSON Parsing
- RapidAPI
- Postman Tutorials
Have additional questions? Reach out to the professor teaching the course section you have interest in registering for using the course catalog. The clickable name shown there leads to the profile that includes their contact information.
Created with images by Walling - "Beautiful and clean white desk with a purple desktop and a space-grey MacBook Air" • fancycrave1 - "code programming hacking" • Pexels - "coding computer hacker"