Knights and Castles A Key Stage 1 class workshop

A famous storyteller is coming to visit the Castle!

The storyteller wants to look around and join in with castle life, before telling the story of St George and the Dragon that night.

Children will create characters to play as the story teller explores the castle with them.

Enacting scenes of jousting, tapestry, falconry, dancing and black-smithing, children bring the Castle to life with their imaginations.

Finally, the storyteller will share the Tale of ‘George and the Dragon’.

The object of this workshop is to teach children the names and functions of the different parts of a medieval castle, and who you might find in which part, doing what.

It is designed to enhance any study of medieval knights and castles, enthuse and excite children about the subject, and bring to life any fieldwork you are undertaking.

The inclusive nature of this drama workshop will build confidence and self esteem, and provide opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills.

Each Class workshop is 1 hour 15 minutes long, and can accommodate up to 30 Key Stage 1 children. Maximum 3 workshops per day.

No prior knowledge is required, and we bring all costumes and props required.

We need a large clear space as this is a very active drama workshop - your main hall is ideal.

Please call 01202 421806 to book, or email us:

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